Internships in Sustainability and the Environment: "Social Media at Bajo Del Tigre," Ariel Kahn

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Sustainability + the Environment

Authored By:

Karen Masters

During this past month I worked with Orlando Calvo to improve social media for the Bajo del Tigre Reserve, in order to promote visitation by local and international eco-tourists and stimulate conservation activities that support the Children’s Eternal Rainforest. The history of how the reserve was established is an extraordinary story. It is truly unique and memorable to those who learn about it. I started by researching the history, mission and vision of the rainforest. The basis of this information was crucial when forming my final products, because it allowed me to gain a better understanding of the reserve. I also researched social media to understand whom the reserve should reach out to. This involved analyzing the data they have for their Facebook page, to see what main age demographics visit their page. From there I researched information on their two main age demographics as well as social media as a whole. This allowed me to form strategies and examples on the content and manner of their posts for their social media accounts. Using the data I acquired, I formed an agenda that included three posts for each day of the week, as well as the type of posts accustom for each day.

This photo represents how I produced the captions for the flora and fauna pictures. I used books as well as the Internet to find information for the topics.

My personal interest in the internship was our shared ultimate goal of conservation efforts. The position leveled with my major as well as my certificate in renewable and sustainable energy. As an environmental scientist, I deeply care about the environment, which was the catalyst in my decision to choose this organization to work with. I really enjoyed engaging with the individuals at the reserve and being an active member of their team. The history of the reserve and their compassion for sustainability needs to live on even in the face of an endangered budget, which is why I have played an integral part in securing their future through social media management.

            Through my research process, I have acquired a wide variety of skills and knowledge. I learned about how social media reaches out to individuals and how to attract certain age groups when doing so. By using that information, I formed documents that will be very useful for the reserve. I also studied different flora and fauna in order to develop captions for pictures that will be used on their social media pages.

            My greatest contribution is creating the basis for social media they will utilize to increase their visitation. The research and products I have accomplished will be valuable when trying to promote conservation activities that support the reserve. The beneficiaries of my work are flora and fauna, Costa Ricans and individuals all over the world.

This picture was taken at Bajo del Tigre. It represents the day, which consisted of taking pictures of flora and fauna at the reserve.