Globe-Trotting 101

By: Murphy Botko

It's your average college student here, but with a not-so-average tale to tell. You see, I embarked on an adventure with the CIEE Study Abroad, and let me tell you, it was like diving into a pool of global enlightenment – without the need for a swimsuit!

The Why

Why did I choose to study abroad? Like any self-respecting college student who's watched too many travel vlogs, I wanted more than just the view from my dorm room. I craved culture, craved adventure, and yes, craved those Instagram-worthy moments. But most importantly, I wanted to expand my horizons in a way that no campus-bound experience could offer. Enter CIEE.

Picking the Program

Choosing a program was like being a kid in a candy store, but instead of candy, there were courses and countries galore! From Paris's romantic streets to Turkey's bustling markets, CIEE had it all. I finally settled on Prague, drawn by its focus on Journalism and Communications. It promised a blend of education, exploration, and personal growth. It delivered! It even provided students with weekly activities and excursions to further our immersion into Czech culture. 

The Learning

Classes were a far cry from the usual college lecture halls. Imagine discussing international politics in a medieval café in Prague. But it wasn't just about the places; it was about the faces. I met fellow students from every corner of the globe. We shared stories, noodles, and sometimes even laundry soap. We became a crew of global citizens, connected by our shared experiences and our mutual inability to figure out foreign street signs.

The Adventures

Every weekend was a new adventure. One day I’m zip-lining through rainforests, the next I’m navigating the labyrinthine streets of an ancient city. These experiences weren't just fun (though, trust me, they were a blast); they were transformative, pushing me out of my comfort zone and into a world of endless possibilities.

A Changed Student

Returning home, I wasn’t just carrying souvenirs, but also a mindset of new perspectives and a renewed passion for discovery. CIEE didn’t just give me a study abroad experience; it gave me a global education.

Your Turn

So, to you, sitting there and contemplating whether to take the leap – I say, jump! The world is a book, and those who do not travel with CIEE read only one page.