Field Trip 1: Water and Energy, Part 2

Programs for this blog post

Sustainability + the Environment

Authored By:

Karen Masters

We explored water resources, water life, and waterfalls during Field Trip 1.  This included visits to tilapia aquaculture in the Lake Arenal reservoir, the SENARA irrigation system, the Tempisque watershed at its headwaters in Rincon de la Vieja National Park to its conclusion in the Gulf of Nicoya, mangrove forests, and wetlands teeming with water birds.  We learned about how some key water resources are being protected when we studied the clamming and artisanal fishing projects of Isla Chira.

Learning about open-cage tilapia farming in Lake Arenal:

Making a good impression on the owner of the tilapia farm:

 Visiting Rincón de la Vieja National Park, where the Tempisque River headwaters run crystal clear:

On to Isla Chira, with a boatload of musicans and a suspicious captain...

Patrolling for fish poachers under cloak of darkness...

Hannah, taking her job very seriously:

A tour through the mangroves and a lesson in clamming, by the pro's, and a chance to sample a clam treat:

A ride to Playa Muerto and cooling down in a mangrove estuary...


Protecting water resources: siempre en la lucha.