Fall vs. Spring Study Abroad: Which is Better?

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College Study Abroad

Looking for some guidance on when to jet off on your study abroad adventure? You’ve come to the right place! Let’s take a closer look at studying abroad by the seasons and the differences between a fall vs. spring semester abroad.  

Is It Better to Study Abroad in the Spring or Fall?   

The good news is with CIEE, you have more than 100 program options in 40+ international cities during both fall study abroad and spring study abroad! Our semester-long programs typically last 14-18 weeks, with some programs extending slightly beyond that, and earn students around 12-18 semester-hour credits or 18-27 quarter-hour credits.  

Our spring study abroad programs generally start in January and end in April or May, while our fall study abroad programs commonly begin in September and end in December – both similar timeframes of typical semesters on your college campus.  

For student athletes reading this, check in with your coach beforehand to get a better sense of any pre-season obligations to ensure a fall or spring semester abroad will work with your schedule. If not, there are plenty of shorter-term study abroad programs you can partake in during other off-seasons, like the summer and winter. Many student athletes participate in study abroad; it’s all about finding the right-fit program (and keeping up with your training in an international city!)   

Read More: How to Study Abroad If You’re a College Athlete 

It’s worth noting that many of our program offerings overlap between the fall semester vs. spring semester, so if there’s one particular program you’re dying to go on, check the availability on our website to see what’s possible as you take a closer look at your upcoming schedule.  

Let’s dive into more about fall vs. spring study abroad programs!  

glasgow study abroad students fall cold

Fall Study Abroad   

Fall study abroad programs are an excellent way to start a new adventure after summer break. 

Why Should I Study Abroad in the Fall?  

To determine if a fall study abroad program makes the most sense for you, you need to consider your goals, schedule, and other academic or personal obligations. It all comes back to your aspirations – you should study abroad in the fall if it best fits your schedule and your other academic commitments. 

Read More: What are Your Goals for Studying Abroad?  

For example, if an on-campus lab is necessary to fulfill your major requirements and the class is only available in the spring, fall study abroad is your best bet. If you have internship duties in the spring, it only makes sense to study abroad during your fall semester.  

Deciding between fall vs. spring semester study abroad options requires upfront planning and an understanding of what makes the most sense for your upcoming schedule.  

Pros of Studying Abroad in the Fall  

Take a look at some pros of a fall study abroad program:  

  • Depending on where in the world you go to study abroad, you’ll likely experience mild or even optimal weather conditions, making your new explorations even more enjoyable.  
  • You’ll have somewhat shorter lines for the more touristy experiences – the springtime months are more popular travel times!  
  • You’ll get to experience some fantastic cultural holiday festivities while abroad. To name a few: Día de Muertos in Mexico, Mid-Autumn Festival in China, Samhain in Ireland, and many more. 

Cons of Studying Abroad in the Fall  

When reviewing these “downsides,” remember that deciding between fall semester vs. spring semester abroad programs really comes down to your personal preferences.   

  • You’ll have to put in some work during your summer break to ensure everything’s squared away before your study abroad undertaking in September. 
  • In some instances, fall semester abroad programs may be slightly shorter than spring semesters abroad, so if you’re looking to go on a study abroad adventure for as long as possible, spring might be the better alternative.  
  • You’ll likely have a short break between returning from your fall study abroad program and your next semester at school, so you won’t have as much time to readjust to your schedule back home.  
study abraod costa rica student overlook

Fall Semester Program Examples  

Now, onto the fun stuff – a few amazing examples of our fall study abroad programs! Check them out:  

Browse through all our fall programs to find a few that pique your interest and get you excited for your pending once-in-a-lifetime adventure!  


Spring Study Abroad  

What better way to round out another school year than with a spring study abroad program before your summer break?  

Why Should I Study Abroad in the Spring?  

We know we’re starting to repeat ourselves here, but it’s true – when deciding between fall vs. spring study abroad options, it really comes down to your goals and what fits in best with your schedule.  

A few other hypothetical situations to consider: If you’re a student athlete with a busy fall season, a spring study abroad program is your best option, or if you have family obligations throughout the fall months, you’ll have more time to enjoy studying abroad in the spring!  

Again, you’ll have to plan out the months ahead to help you decide between a spring vs. fall abroad program.  

petra study abroad excursion jordan

Pros of Studying Abroad in the Spring  

There are plenty of pros to a spring study abroad program – we’ve named just a few below:  

  • You’ll be able to ease into summer and not rush into another school semester after studying abroad in the spring. 
  • Depending on your destination, the tail end of your spring study abroad program will likely have you experiencing summer-like weather! The beach (if applicable), here you come!  
  • You might be able to tack on a few summer program options after your semester abroad – talk about exploration!  

Cons of Studying Abroad in the Spring  

You might experience a few drawbacks studying abroad in the spring, but that doesn’t mean that choosing a spring semester isn’t the right choice for you:  

  • You’ll likely run into a few more tourists during the spring months, meaning longer lines, wait times, and possibly even increased pricing for specific attractions.  
  • You’ll have to get organized ahead of your trip during your fall semester – on top of classroom work, it might get a little overwhelming (but it’s still totally worth it).  
  • The start of your spring study abroad program might entail less-than-ideal weather, so pack accordingly!  


cape town study abroad students food tour

Spring Semester Program Examples  

It’s time to dive into some spring adventure possibilities!  

And that’s just scratching the surface! Peruse through all our spring study abroad programs to get a sense of what options spark the most interest.  


The Choice is Yours!  

Studying abroad, no matter when you decide to go, is an incredible experience. Whether you study abroad in the fall vs spring, you’ll still immerse yourself in a new culture, learn more about topics you’re passionate about both in the classroom and beyond, meet others from around the world, and take in sights and attractions people dream of seeing.  

Take a close look at your schedule, including your personal and academic obligations, to determine what time of year is ideal for you, and know you’re in for the adventure of a lifetime either way!