CNMJ students hitting Brno!
Excursions are an integral part of the CIEE courses in Prague. Adding to that, CNMJ program has its own trip to Brno that aims to introduce students to the local media industry, explore South-Moravian region and teach them about Roma minority. And, of course, have some fun time bonding together as a group.
The students had a unique hands-on experience broadcasting at the Radio R - the biggest student-run radio in the Czech Republic. At the beginning, students were given vague scenarios of the actual radio shows and were encouraged to act both as the hosts and the guests. The student's performance was rated on multiple levels such as their originality or correct use of broadcasting techniques, just to name a few. The students did their best, though only one of the groups could win. You can listen to all of the recordings here.
Furthermore, the CNMJ students learned about the history and the stereotypical depiction of Roma minority in local media. During a short workshop organized with Ms. Heráková, a local Roma journalist, they contemplated and discussed on how news about Roma relate to a much broader topic of fake news.
Despite the rainy weather, the students were eager to learn about the history of Brno during the guided tour and even more eager to finish a busy day at the local wine bar that offers the best of products from local family-run vineyards.
To pick one of their comments: “This is a great city, and it was nice coming here!“
We can't wait for more amazing time to come!
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