Enjoying My Open Campus Block Program with CIEE

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Open Campus Block

By: RJ Ramos

My exchange abroad with CIEE was one of the highlights of my time in university. I got the opportunity to travel to three separate locations in the open-campus system. Even though there were some caveats to the travel I particularly enjoyed Seoul and Kyoto as some of my destinations! These blocks had wonderful staff and amazing opportunities to see different cultures. 

I was very grateful for the opportunities allotted to me from the centers. The staff were extremely friendly and gave us many chances to see around the city and neighboring areas. Something I enjoyed at these locations was the locations of the housing site. They were in great spaces near public transit that allowed you to travel all around the cities. Public transit is amazing in these countries but the location gives you wide options for travel. 

We were able to travel across the countries via train, bus, or in some cases plane to reach new and beautiful destinations. This can definitely make or break a destination but almost all places in Europe and Asia will have some mode of public transit. Very affordable overall in most places around the world. 

On top of this in Korea and Japan food was very affordable, eating out was affordable and the atmosphere for young people was enjoyable. The staff gave great suggestions for different places to try for eating and some gave great suggestions for places to see and things to do. The helpfulness the staff provided can make or break an experience. 

My biggest suggestion to future exchange students would be to discuss with people who also went abroad! Getting first hand accounts from other students can definitely assist an experience in mediating expectations and understanding cultures before leaving. They can also give great recommendations and things to consider before leaving so you can better prepare for your time abroad.

Thanks to the CIEE Team, 

RJ Ramos