Dos and Don’ts: Clubbing in Barcelona as a Woman

By: Alexa Levy

Barcelona is known for its incredible nightlife and bustling streets, with some of the best-rated clubs in the world which can be an invigorating experience for young travelers or students studying abroad. But with this comes many dangers and safety issues that everyone should be prepared for before exploring these environments. While safety at clubs and bars is a crucial topic for all people alike, I want to share my personal experience as a young woman in Barcelona through a list of dos and don’ts that have helped me stay safe and will hopefully help others who are planning on coming to Barcelona.


DO bring a purse or bag that zips/locks.

Pickpocketing is extremely common in various nighttime scenes, especially in clubs. Bringing a zipped bag is the first step to preventing theft. You can also buy small locks to put on your bag for extra security. 

DO stick with a friend, if not two.

Going out in groups is the safest thing to do when being abroad. Always go out with at least one friend and never leave each other behind! Even if you're just going down the street for a quick errand, make sure someone knows where you'll be.

DO have a drink beforehand.

Drinks at clubs and bars are very expensive and lead to the possibility of someone putting something in your drink. Drinking beforehand is not only much cheaper but a much safer option. 


DON’T wear flashy/expensive jewelry or accessories. (Or valuables such as a passport)

This goes along with pickpocketing; you are most likely to be a target of theft if you stick out amongst others. Pick pocketers are experienced and are often able to sneak jewelry/items off you without you noticing. 

DON’T wear uncomfortable clothes/shoes.

Often in Barcelona, going out means you will be out for a while. Wearing unpractical clothing or shoes is a recipe for a bad night. It is also important to note many clubs have a dress code that you should look at before going out, such as no flip-flops or sports jerseys.

DON’T accept offers from strangers.

If someone you don’t know offers you things like a drink, to take you to VIP, to leave for an “after party”, or to take you home, do not go with them. You don’t know people’s intentions and it is better to be safe than sorry.

While this list could go on, I identify these specific tips as the most important things that I have learned. Overall, when engaging in new activities always trust your gut and make the safer decision because your future self will thank you!