CIEE Sustainability and Environment students take sustainability on the road

Programs for this blog post

Sustainability + the Environment

Authored By:

Karen Masters

Field Trip 1 is dedicated to the theme "Water and Energy".  We traveled from northern to southern Costa Rica, along the Pacific slope, to explore alternative energies and aquatic ecosystems.  Day 1 delivered partly sunny skies, brimming with a lot of energy and excitement.

FIeld of dreams: Wind farms dot the landscape of northern Costa Rica.

Then came day 2 and 3, and energy and water came to life. 

CIEE Sustainability and Environment students contemplate the geothermal vents at Rincón de la Vieja National Park Storms are brewing over Costa RIcan geothermal and solar power plants

The Great 8 get to indulge in some serious experiential learning.  They are not deterred!

From left: Ariel Kahn (Univ. of Colorado Boulder), Alejandra Pedraza (Univ. of Colorado Boulder), Sydney Hall (Western Washington Univ.); from left, in the back row: Ella Hinkley (Univ. of Minnesota), Bex Klafter (Carleton College), Scott Vondy (Ursinus College); center, front row: Otter Giltz (Univ. of Colorado Boulder), and Rosie Briggs (Univ. of Colorado Boulder)