CIEE Seville Business and Society Program, Spring 2017 Newsletter, Issue II

Programs for this blog post

Business + Society

Authored By:

Antonio Romero Martin

Greetings From Seville!

Here we are again to share with you some of the highlights of the academic term thus far. The Business and Society program is full of enriching activities such as academic exchange seminars focusing on current issues in business (Global Discussions), company visits, internships with companies and several activities with local students.


Eight “Global Discussions” have been organized thus far, with a participation of 96 local students. This kind of activities have been developed by the CIEE Business and Society staff to help students to meet more Spaniards under a more academic atmosphere.

  • “Leadership and Groupthink”
  • “The Entrepreneurship spirit and project financing in Spain and the United States”
  • “United States and Europe: two youths, two realities”
  • “Spanish and American Stereotypes”
  • “Coca-Cola’s one-brand marketing strategy”
  • “Corporate Social Responsibility: a question of ethics or aesthetics?”
  • “Culture shock: the good and bad of our countries”
  • “Artificial intelligence”

Global Discussions


As usual, our business professors have been organizing different company visits focused on business in Spain and the European Union. So far, the following company visits have taken place in the CIEE Business and Society program this term:

El Cubo a crowdworking facility where the Spanish telecommunications company, Telefonica-Movistar created a corporate responsibility organization called Andalucía - Open Future. This organization works on accelerating local start-ups by providing them resources from technology to advisers to a location, etc.

Caixabank, a financial group, leader within the Spanish market, comprising a banking and insurance business, as well as undertaking investments in international banks and in leading service sector companies.

Basilippo, the oldest distillery in Andalusia (1880) which has created a unique gin, created by chance, as they were looking to commercialize this fruit in pots, and that has conquered the most expert clients, the British, made out of strawberries from the fields of Huelva. 

Cámara de Comercio, The Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Shipping of Seville is a non–profit public law corporation.


An amazing daytrip to the City of Córdoba took place on February 20th. During the trip students could visit the beautiful Mosque-Cathedral, the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos and the old Synagogue.


At this point of the semester, all the students registered in the Internship Program are working in their companies and enjoying their experience.