CIEE Iringa is open for business!

Authored By:

Justin Beckham

Greetings all from the NEW CIEE Tanzania study center in the awesome town of Iringa, where the rainy season is giving us quite the sky show these days!

It’s been crazy times, closing out our program at the University of Dar es Salaam, and opening another on the other side of the country.  Well, the dust is still settling and we’re waiting for our bookshelves to arrive but … we are here, and we are in business!

BUT.. before we got started out here in Iringa, our new students arrived in Dar es Salaam where they spent a week getting acquainted with the city and its importance as the economic capital of Tanzania, participating in interactive Swahili lessons and of course, cooking with our favorite Bibi:

After a week in Dar, we took everyone on a road trip out to Iringa to settle them into their dorms and get acquainted with their new roommates.  Moving in day was a bit wet ..

Students have settled into their new homes and they are in their second week of studies: Managing Community Development Programs; Pre-history, Myths, Legends, and Beliefs of East Africa; Sustainable Rural Development; Contemporary Educational Issues in East Africa; Poverty Analysis for Socioeconomic Development, and Kiswahili…

All and all everything has gotten off to a smooth start here and we are so pleased with the welcome we have received from the University of Iringa, and how accommodating and forgiving of our initial stumbles they are! 

I’m also grateful to our students, who already feel comfortable making our study center their home…