5 Things I Learned by Studying Abroad with CIEE

By: Olivia Hegerfeld

Deciding to study abroad is more than just an academic pursuit; it's a life-altering experience that opens doors to new cultures, perspectives, and personal growth. As I reflect on my time spent in Italy, Spain, and South Africa, I am compelled to share the most important things that have become an integral part of my experience. 

One of the most eye-opening revelations during my time abroad was the sheer richness of cultural diversity. Living among people from different backgrounds, beliefs, and traditions allowed me to appreciate the beauty in our worldly differences. Engaging with diverse perspectives not only broadened my worldview but also fostered a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of humanity. I learned that true growth often occurs outside one's comfort zone and that embracing diversity is a key factor for personal development. One of my favorite memories while in Spain was when our whole block took a trip to Cuenca for the weekend. CIEE had set us up on a cultural exchange with the local college students there and we all got together and had the best time learning through each other. 

Navigating life in a foreign country inevitably presents some challenges, from language barriers to cultural nuances. Learning to adapt became a fundamental skill that went beyond simply acclimating to a new academic environment. It involved being flexible in the face of adversity, developing problem-solving skills, and embracing change with an open mind. These lessons in adaptability have proven to be invaluable, not only in my academic pursuits but also in my approach to life's uncertainties. I had traveled to Ibiza for a weekend while in Rome, however, my flight back got canceled and I was stuck getting back to Rome for the next two days by myself. Yes, it was scary and frustrating, but these experiences helped me learn more about how to be independent and a better problem-solver. If you go your whole study abroad trip without just one minor inconvenience then you're not doing it right.

Studying abroad provides a unique opportunity to break away from the familiar and discover sides of yourself that may have remained dormant. The independence gained from navigating a new city, managing daily tasks, and making decisions on my own has been transformative. From conquering public transportation systems to making new friends, every experience contributed to a new sense of self-discovery. I learned that independence is not just about autonomy; it's a journey of self-awareness and personal growth.

Another key thing I learned while studying abroad is that global networking is a lifelong asset. Building connections with people worldwide has proven to be one of the most rewarding aspects of my study abroad experience. Networking on a global scale opens doors to diverse perspectives, career opportunities, and lifelong friendships. 

While studying abroad, I discovered that home is not confined to a specific location but is a feeling cultivated through relationships and shared experiences. The bonds formed with fellow international students, local friends, and supportive faculty created a sense of belonging that transcended physical borders. Home became a fluid concept, adapting to the evolving landscape of my journey. This lesson taught me the importance of cultivating a sense of home wherever life takes me.