4 Things I learned While Studying Abroad

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By: Aja Tsutsumi

Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity to explore the world and experience life in a foreign country but can also be very daunting! For many, study abroad is the furthest they’ve been from home for an extended period of time. But whether you're thinking about studying abroad and wondering “what can I gain from studying abroad?” or you're currently abroad and feeling homesick, here are four lessons I learned from my study abroad experience:

  1. Meeting new people is fun!
  2. Cities are exciting!
  3. Not everything will go to plan and that's okay!
  4. Learn to be comfortable in your own company

Being alone in a new city, let alone a new country, where you don’t know a single person is terrifying but know that everyone in your program is in the same boat. Whether they show it or not, everyone chooses to go abroad for the chance at a new experience and part of that is getting to meet new people. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to the people in your program or to the locals in your city. You don’t have to be friends with them all but its always nice to have a friendly face, especially when studying abroad can make you feel homesick.

As someone who grew up and goes to college in a small town, I had never experienced living in a big city before studying abroad in London. The culture shock was real but I ultimately learned that there is so much to love about being in a city. One of my favorite parts about being in London was that there was never a shortage of things to do. In my six weeks of living there, I never found myself running out of things to see. However, because they’re so big, being in a city can be overwhelming as London is much more chaotic than the quaint coastal town that I’m used to. One tip I used when I felt overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of the city was to find a park (London had TONS of them) and do something that I enjoyed. For me, this was often having a picnic or reading a book.

If there is one thing that's certain it is that nothing is certain. Studying abroad gives you the unique opportunity to travel and explore new cities and countries. When you have the opportunity to explore a new city, it is always good to have some sort of plan but remember that you also need to stay flexible. Missing a train or a flight can and possibly will happen and in these cases, the best thing to do is to move on and figure out what you can do to fix it. Although dealing with these mistakes is annoying, they are all part of the experience and hey, at least it will make a great story when you get home!

I’ve always been independent but studying abroad taught me that there is a difference between being independent in your daily routine and being independent in a foreign country. At home, I feel comfortable walking to the park or sitting at my favorite restaurant because these locations are so familiar to me that I never even thought twice about going to them alone. However, in a new city, these places are unfamiliar and scary. Don’t be afraid to go out on your own in your new city! For me, exploring my host city on my own gave me the confidence to solo travel for the first time, and exploring your host city alone is a great way to familiarize yourself with being alone in a new country while still having the safety net of your program advisors, faculty, and peers to return to after your adventure.