Yomi A.
Yomi 's Program
Hey, my name is Yomi. This summer I am studying abroad in Seoul, South Korea at Yonsei Univeristy. While my name is Yomi, I introduce myself as Sun-Dal in Korea. That is the name I go by when I meet local Koreans. I am a dual-degree student at Brown University and RISD majoring in Illustration and Cultural Anthropology. I am excited to explore Korea and meet many local Korean and international friends.
Goodbye Seoul
This journey has been interesting to say the least. From getting in a car accident my first week of being in Korea to meeting some really cool international friends, I... keep reading
The Beautiful Jeju
I had the amazing opportunity to visit Jeju Island, an island in Korea. Jeju is filled with beautiful beaches, plenty of stone statues, and lots of Korean tourists. My friends... keep reading
My Other Persona
Sun-Dal: my other persona As I continue to embark on this journey, I learn that no matter where I go, I will find mi gente. Mi gente signifies "my people"... keep reading
Adjusting while in Korea
Wow, studying abroad in South Korea this summer has been a journey. I've learned so much about life, academics, being abroad, and putting myself out there. One common theme that... keep reading