Yu Garden in Shanghai, China
CIEE Staff

Ting Li

Chinese Language & Culture Shanghai, China



Secrets of Shanghai

By Ting Li at CIEE

Being adopted from China, I have always felt a need to connect with my roots and my home country. That was one of the reasons I decided to attend CIEE... keep reading


Disney Day!

By Ting Li at CIEE

Today is Disney Day! We had to meet up very early since we didn’t want to wait too long to get into the park. We were told to meet at... keep reading


Peer to peer activity: Taking on the Job of a Delivery Persone

By Ting Li at CIEE

Some of our homestay brothers and sisters came to the CIEE building to do an activity together. Before the activity, we learned about how essential online shopping has become to... keep reading


Pottery making class

By Ting Li at CIEE

Today for our cultural activity we went to a pottery making museum. My half of the group began by molding clay on the wheel. We wet our hands, pressed down... keep reading


Cultural Activity---Martial Arts

By Ting Li at CIEE

Today, we focused on the intricate nature of martial arts and taichi in China. Together we learned how to handle swords and the basic movements of Taichi. I personally loved... keep reading


Linyin Temple and West Lake

By Ting Li at CIEE

山外青山楼外楼, 西湖歌舞几时休? 暖风熏得游人醉, 直把杭州作汴州。 — 林升 Beyond the hills, green mountains lie, next to mansions stand edifices of more, Singing and dancing around the West Lake never draw to a... keep reading


The Monkey King

By Ting Li at CIEE

Today, we watched a classic Chinese cartoon movie-THE MONKEY KING!The Monkey King is a classic Chinese cultural image related to an ancient Chinese literature "Journey to the West" which is... keep reading


Enduring memories of Hangzhou

By Ting Li at CIEE

Today, Saturday June 23rd, we went to West Lake (西湖) in Hangzhou (杭州). After we took a cruise, ate dinner and explored, we went to see a water show. The... keep reading


Shanghai Science and Technology Museum

By Ting Li at CIEE

Today is Wednesday, June 20th. We went to the Shanghai Museum of Science and Technology and later, the bargaining market. At the museum, we learned about the rich environment of... keep reading


Dragon Boat Festival Tour Zhujiajiao

By Ting Li at CIEE

Last Saturday, June 16, we visited one of Shanghai’s most famous landmarks, Zhujiajiao(朱家角). Zhujiajiao is also known as the Water Town or Pearl Streets Pavilion as the place is built... keep reading

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