Sergio Jimenez
Sergio's Programs
- Summer Language + Culture
- Liberal Arts
- International Business + Culture
- Business + Society
- Advanced Liberal Arts
- Spanish Language & Culture
- Communications, New Media + Journalism English
- Communications, New Media + Journalism Spanish
- Spanish Language & Culture
- Summer Global Internship Language Immersion
- Summer Global Internship
- January in Seville
- High School Abroad in Spain
Sergio Jiménez is the Spanish Communications and Social Media Coordinator of the CIEE Study Center in Seville, Spain.
Sports In The City Of Seville
Seville is a beautiful city in Spain that is known for its rich history, stunning architecture and vibrant culture. But did you know that Seville is also a hub for... keep reading
Spanish life of a high school student
Be prepared for a challenge, but also the joys of living in Spain with a Spanish family and a Spanish school. Family life can be quite different from what you... keep reading
Seville and the Guadalquivir, the perfect equation.
The Guadalquivir, or 'Gwad-al-keer' in Spanish, is the main river that defines and divides the city of Seville. Like other European cities, Seville has a rich history. Many citizens of... keep reading
1,2,3 Inmersion!
Sam Fouts / Universty of Iowa Why you need to be a part of the CIEE Linguistic Immersion Weekend A bubble-blowing competition, a bracelet war, a paintball showdown, a Just... keep reading
Ring Ring! Seville is Calling!
Seville, located on the Guadalquivir River, is one of Spain's main cultural and tourist attractions. It also has many American students studying abroad here. In part because of its rich... keep reading
Daytrip to Cadiz: The "tacita de plata" of the Atlantic Ocean
A few days ago, students got to travel to the magic ancient coastal city of Cadiz. Located less than 2 hours from Seville, Cadiz is well known for its vivid... keep reading
GAP & HSA: palaces & gastronomy in Écija & Osuna, Sevilla
Our GAP and HSA students got to visit these wonderful towns before they departed back to the States. Ecija is known as the City of Towers. Located in the centre... keep reading
Cake by the ocean
Our HSA students were able to travel to Cádiz, the most Southern city in Europe. Cadiz, half island, half peninsula, is connected to the mainland by a narrow strip of... keep reading
It´s not goodbye, it´s hasta luego
Our GAP program ended last week and althought we are sad to see our participants go, we are extremelly happy to have been able to offer a program that offers... keep reading
Exploring medieval castles in Sevilla
Our GAP students got the opportunity to explore two of the most important towns in the province of Seville: Alcalá de Guadaira and Utrera. Alcalá’s castle is the result of... keep reading