Student Traveler

Olivia R.



Hasta luego, Chile!

By Olivia R.

What are you going to miss the most about Chile? What was your favorite part about Chile? I have been asked this a ridiculous amount of times. I decided that's... keep reading

Tips for study abroad students!

By Olivia R.

I have been dreading the thought of writing my final, “Goodbye Chile” blog because when I write that, it will feel like this experience has actually come to an end... keep reading

Chi Chi Chi! Le Le Le! Viva Chile!

By Olivia R.

As I bet most of you have been watching the World Cup (I mean, why wouldn't you be), you would have noticed that CHILE BEAT SPAIN. It would be an... keep reading

Summary of my lovely Chilean Families

By Olivia R.

The goal of this blog post is to show the differences in the three Chilean families that I got the opportunity to live with. It just goes to show how... keep reading


By Olivia R.

CIEE is not currently offering programs in Chile, but check out our other programs around the world. I have been writing a list of phrases/words that someone would need to... keep reading

Feria del Mar

By Olivia R.

Yes, once again, you translated the title correctly. My school is very unique (and super duper cool) so we have these monthly festivals. Nut Harvest Day, Ocean Festival, Latin America... keep reading

Life as a Chilena

By Olivia R.

I haven't blogged in about two weeks... but I am actually proud of that because I have been SO busy living my life as a Chilena. I am completely in... keep reading

Snow, pancakes, sunsets, and Demi Lovato

By Olivia R.

SNOW!!! It made me incredibly, overly happy when I looked out the window to see snow on the Andes. I guess I have just missed the views that I am... keep reading

Kickin' homesickness in the butt!

By Olivia R.

I cannot believe I only have two more months in La Florida, Santiago with my family and at my school. I am super stoked to see what these final two... keep reading

Dia de la Nuez

By Olivia R.

Yes, you translated that title correctly, Nut Day. Last week my school spent a day collecting and cooking with nuts. Dia de la nuez or cosecha de nueces (nut harvest)... keep reading

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