Olivia L.
Picture this:
"A Nebraskan girl surrounded by loved ones; she's standing in the rain, a book in hand and pencil in hair, laughing at herself as she attempts to dance along to her favorite song."
In my heart, this is exactly who I am. I am a quirky, outgoing, musical girl who wants to incorporate all I love into a single sentence.
Karneval: the fifth season, the time of craziness, the time of celebration. Whatever people may call it, it is definitely a special time of year in Germany. Some people and... keep reading
Gal-entines Day
Making friends in a foreign exchange program can sometimes be tricky, but what I leanred is that it's about making the best out of the little things that you have... keep reading
Halfway Finished
Last week, the PI group of exchange students in Germany from America came together for a Mid-year orientation in Cologne. It was a wonderful time of reflection. We were be... keep reading
Christmas and New Year's Eve
Who wants three consecutive days of Christmas? Or a more acurate question: What kid doesn't want three days of Christmas? I was surprised to find out that here in Germany... keep reading
Before Christmas: Vor Weihnachtszeit
It's hard to believe it's only two days left until Christmas! I have been able to see and do so much this Christmas season and I cannot wait to see... keep reading
Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays, and it was a wonderful experience to be able to share the traditional American traditions as well as my own family... keep reading
German Meaning of November
My November started off with the ceremonial tradition of the catholic priest sprinkling water among the graves in the cemetary known as the Allerheiligen. Why? Becasue the month of November... keep reading
School "Spieltag"
Recently, my school held their very first ever "Spieltag" or play day, and yes it's exactly what it sounds like. Students showed up to school so that they could play... keep reading
Nebraska Presentation: Sharing my culture
Sometimes amazing opportunities you have to search for and really work hard to accomplish, and others simply fall into you lap. My host sister Kirsten recently asked me if I... keep reading
Fall Ferien
This fall Ferien school vacation was absolutely incredible. I have never had two full weeks of vacation from school, and it was an amazing way to further imerse myself in... keep reading