Ning Zhang
Ning's Program
Visiting Longshan Temple
Longshan Temple, or 龍山寺, is a temple in Wanhua District in Taipei, Taiwan. “Longshan” means “Dragon Mountain,” and there are definitely a lot of dragon carvings along the roof of the temple.
Ocarina Fun!
"Todays ocarina experience was pretty fun. We got to blow sounds into this heart shaped instrument and depending on which hole you covered a different sound would come out. The... keep reading
French concession
Today we went to the French concession and learned about some history about the French coming to China from our tour guide Kat. After world war 1, they were able... keep reading
Yu Garden in Shanghai
Today our cultural activity was located at Yu Garden. The group went through Yu Garden, which was a retirement gift from a son to his father. We were able to... keep reading
Tea Market
Today, we went to the Tea Market. It was a small building with different small tea shops inside. Thankfully, there was AC. We all followed our Program Leader to a... keep reading
Today, we learned how to make a unique Chinese dessert known as a "box cake". This dessert is considered unique because all of its ingredients are healthy and organic. For... keep reading
The Great Wall
Today We went to the Great Wall. We took a ride to the entrance where We climbed several very steep stairs to the top. It was very fun to climb... keep reading
Chinese Traditonal Game Day
Today we were introduced with two chinese traditional games called ,"跳皮筋 Tiao Pi Jin ," also known as chinese jumpers rope. And "剪子 Jian zi" also known as shuttlecock. These... keep reading
Tea Market
In China, tea culture is not all about drinking tea. It is actually a combination of making tea, appreciating tea, smelling tea, drinking tea, and tasting tea. Tea is part... keep reading