Madilyn H.
Madilyn's Program
Hey y'all! My name is Madi Hoffman and I am a junior at TU currently studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain. In addition to studying political science, I have been learning Spanish for the past six years. I hope to become fluent by the end of my time here. After graduation I plan to attend law school with a focus on International Law.
What I Learned from Studying Abroad
Hello everyone! Thank y'all so much for following along with me all semester, I have really enjoyed writing, posting, and videoing for you guys. I hope that all of the... keep reading
My 5 General Tips for Study Abroad
Hi Guys! Here's my second video blog I hope you enjoy it :) I also uploaded some photos just so you could see what I've been up to for the... keep reading
What I Wish I Knew Before Coming to Spain
Hello everyone!! The semester before I came to Spain, I attended multiple crash courses and trainings on studying abroad that were mandatory from my university. I am also lucky to... keep reading
My Do's and Dont's: Living in Barcelona
Hey y'all and welcome back! My last post was dedicated to travel trips while traveling in Europe, but this week I wanted to focus on my very own city: Barcelona... keep reading
So Many Countries...Only One Semester
Hi guys! Here is my video blog for my take on traveling to other countries while you are abroad! And attatched are some of my favorite photos from my trips... keep reading
Fiestas! Celebraciones! Festivales!
Now I must be honest with you, I was undeniably a little upset before I came to Barcelona knowing I was going to miss Thanksgiving and a couple other holidays... keep reading
School Trips Abroad: They're Not What You Think
Since I have arrived in Barcelona, I have felt twenty times more independent, strong, and adventurous. I know I was already all of these things, but there is something about... keep reading