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CIEE Staff

Leyre Carrasco Alonso

High School Abroad in Spain Madrid, Spain
Hometown: Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain

Leyre comes from a small town in sothwest Spain and moved to Madrid seven years ago to begin her university studies. She first experienced studying abroad when in high scholl she went to Cambridge, U.K for a two-week immersion course. She stayed with a host family and learned what it's like to adapt to a new culture. She liked it so much that not only did it again the year after but when doing her bachelor's degree she spent two years abroad, first in Dublin and later in San Francisco.

She is currently studying a Masters while working with the HSA & Gap Year program deparment, assisting students to make them feel they have all the support they need. 



Navigating Public Transportation in Madrid

By Leyre Carrasco Alonso at CIEE

Afraid because you have never taken the metro? Tired of waiting endless hours for the bus to come? Or maybe, broke because public transport fees in your city are too... keep reading

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