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CIEE Staff

Jennifer Rives

An English teacher traveling the world Nanjing, China
Hometown: Clearwater, FL

Jennifer is an ESL and Mandarin teacher. She teaches Chinese to adults at a language center on the weekends. She also taught English for 2 years in China and Thailand with CIEE and is currently pursuing her Master's degree in Linguistics & Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language at the University of South Florida in Tampa. When she's not teaching or tutoring, Jennifer enjoys traveling, learning languages, doing outdoor/adventure activities, going to the beach, and visiting new cafes and restaurants (she is a major foodie). After getting her Master's degree, Jennifer hopes to move to another country to continue teaching English and feed her travel bug!  



我吃饱了!The Chinese Food Students are Getting Full On

By Jennifer Rives at CIEE

我吃饱了 (wŏ chī băo le) is the way to say "I'm full" in Chinese. With so many delicious dishes being served at CIEE group lunches and during breakfast and lunch... keep reading


The Funny Fashion in Nanjing: A Trip to Fashion Lady Shopping Center

By Jennifer Rives at CIEE

On Wednesday of last week, we took students on a tour of downtown Nanjing. Our first stop on the tour was the statue of Sun Yat-Sen (or Sun Zhong Shan... keep reading


Students Recap the First Few Days in Nanjing

By Jennifer Rives at CIEE

It's been 4 days since the start of the Session II Chinese Language & Culture program in Nanjing. Between traveling to China on a group flight with 25 other students... keep reading


Student Shares What She Has Learned During Her Time in Beijing

By Jennifer Rives at CIEE

Authored by: Naeemah Haymon Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk about my experiences in Beijing. This year, I ended my academic school year two weeks early in order... keep reading


A Look Back at the Past Few Days in Beijing

By Jennifer Rives at CIEE

After returning from our two day trip to Yu country in Hebei Province this afternoon, it is crazy to think that our program will be ending in just two short... keep reading


The Most Memorable Parts of The Forbidden City

By Jennifer Rives at CIEE

On day 4 of our program, we took a trip to The Forbidden City (故宫). Being one of the great wonders of the world, The Forbidden City is a destination... keep reading


Students Reflect on Most Memorable Moments (So Far!)

By Jennifer Rives at CIEE

It’s been 3 days since we arrived in Beijing. From the moment we stepped off the plane, we have constantly been on the move. Eating Lanzhou pulled noodles and shopping... keep reading

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