Jade N.
Jade Nettrour is the featured CIEE blogger for the Brussels, Belgium World Government Program. She is an incoming Junior at Ankeny Centennial High School, where she is enrolled in French, Spanish, and Chinese. She also takes other classes to prepare her for her dream job: an international lawyer. Jade is very active in her school; she participates in color guard, showchoir, and varsity cheerleading. These activities, along with keeping up with her studies, take up the majority of her time during the school year; in comparison, her summer is usually pretty free. When she has open time, she enjoys spending it by bugging her favorite cat, Stubby, going on an adventure with her friends, or exploring the world. Jade has travelled extensively in the past, and she is very excited for her upcoming trips: Belgium, June 2019, New York, November 2019, Peru, June 2020, and France, June 2020. Jade hopes that her extensive travelling will help her become a global citizen and better understand the world for her future career. As she travels, Jade likes to document her experiences on her blog and youtube channel so others can share it with her.
Francaphone Fantoms
High upon a hill in Dinant, Belgium, the sun shone down brightly on a grand white and red brick palace. The palace stood four stories tall with a welcoming porch... keep reading
New Regulations from The EU Claim The Chocolate You Eat Is Fake!
The year is 2000 and the biggest current issue within European Union member countries is chocolate. More specifically, what defines “chocolate.” Today, the European Union (EU) is holding a summit to define the requirements to gain the “chocolate” label. This is everything you need to know about the debate for the chocolate that you are putting in your body. This is a simulation done by the World Government Participants
And We're Rolling... To Brussels!
In 5...4...3...2...1... Action! Hey y’all! My name is Jade Nettrour; however, I go by Jade Tours for my v/ blog. In five days, my Abroad to Belgium Tours will begin... keep reading