monteverde rainforest girls hike
CIEE Staff

Emma Butler

Women for Environmental Action Monteverde, Costa Rica



Week 4 Wrap-Up

By Emma Butler at CIEE

Our last week in Rennes has come to a close. This month was full of fun, growth, and learning! Some highlights from our last week included an escape game and... keep reading


Overnight Excursion

By Emma Butler at CIEE

This weekend, we escaped the heatwave in Rennes and went to the Bretagne coast. We went to Pont-Aven, which was the inspiration for many Impressionist painters. We then went to... keep reading


Student Post: Juana's Experience

By Emma Butler at CIEE

Today, Juana is sharing her experience so far in Rennes: It has officially been the best summer! I got to travel just like any other kid but not to a... keep reading


Graffiti and Street Art

By Emma Butler at CIEE

On Thursday, we met with local street artists in Rennes to discover the history of street art, see works of art in the streets of Rennes, and make our own... keep reading


Rennes Gourmande: Tasting the Delicacies of Rennes

By Emma Butler at CIEE

On Friday, we had the opportunity to taste the regional delicacies during a food tour! We began with tasting three kinds of jus de pomme, or apple juice. The juice... keep reading


Rallye des 5 Sens: Touring Rennes Using the 5 Senses

By Emma Butler at CIEE

Students had a great first day of class here in Rennes! After class, we split into small groups for lunch. Some students enjoyed crêpes and galettes at a crêperie. Some... keep reading

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