Student Traveler

E. H.


Greetings from Sanpatong!

By E. H.

Wow, two months certainly flies by FAST. Turns out I still have a blog, fancy that! I suppose it’s time to dust off the cobwebs here and give a little... keep reading

Chiang Mai

By E. H.

First day in Chiang Mai! Orientation is over and now onto real life. We took an overnight bus to get here. The busses are so different from the U.S. *ahem... keep reading


By E. H.

I arrived in B angkok two days ago. What a crazy city. So different from what I’m used to that is for sure! I’m loving being able to explore the... keep reading

Heading to Thailand!

By E. H.

Ah, my first post of many. I leave for Thailand on Tuesday. Today is Wednesday. So, if you ask me how I'm feeling about leaving the list of emotions is... keep reading