Sega screen in Kyoto
CIEE Staff

DeVante Allen (Love)

Video Game Design Kyoto, Japan



From Gamer to Samurai

By DeVante Allen (Love) at CIEE

For today's cultural activity, our students visited the Ninja and Samurai Museum in Kyoto, where they were introduced to the rich history and cultural practices of these iconic Japanese figures... keep reading


Tokyo or Bust (Part 2)

By DeVante Allen (Love) at CIEE

Our journey in Tokyo continued with a series of immersive activities that left a lasting impression. At the renowned Tokyo TeamLab Planets, students experienced an extraordinary fusion of light, color... keep reading


Stepping into gaming!

By DeVante Allen (Love) at CIEE

We are on the way to creating our games! In the first couple of classes, students have started thinking about what it means to be a game designer. Their teachers... keep reading


An Afternoon of Hands On Gaming

By DeVante Allen (Love) at CIEE

Second week into the Anime, Manga, and Gaming program brought about a really fun afternoon to explore gaming from a hands on perspective. The first week students learned all about... keep reading


A Weekend Escape to Yamanashi

By DeVante Allen (Love) at CIEE

After a few days in Tokyo, we took students to Yamanashi, Japan, to experience more traditional aspects of Japanese culture that are harder to find in Tokyo's bustling metropolis. The... keep reading


Visiting the Historic Jiufen and Radiant Shifen Waterfall

By DeVante Allen (Love) at CIEE

It's Saturday and the students were excited about having finished the first week of classes. The day started early with a bus ride to the historic Mining town Jiufen which... keep reading


Immersing in the Language and the Culture

By DeVante Allen (Love) at CIEE

These past two days in Taiwan have been a huge adjustment for students. As they are working through jet lag, getting back into school mode, and getting a sense of... keep reading


A Warm Welcome to Taiwan!

By DeVante Allen (Love) at CIEE

Students were very excited to begin the program. We woke up early morning to the hotel's buffet breakfast which students found to be a delicious way to begin the program... keep reading

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