CIEE Santiago
Embarking on a Cultural Odyssey: The CIEE Santiago January Exchange Unveiled
Santiago's vibrant tapestry provids the backdrop for weeks filled with enriching encounters and memorable moments. Although, not primarily a language-oriented program, the immersion component stands out as daily interactions with... keep reading
Studying in Santiago on Summer
Studying abroad as an exchange student in Santiago de Chile during summer is a unique and enriching experience. The city is known for its vibrant culture, rich history, and stunning... keep reading
Chilean Poets
Chile is a land of Poets, we have had trough history important figures that shared the beauties and the struggles of our country through their verses, we will quickly go... keep reading
Celebrating "El 18", Chile´s Independence day
September is a very important month in Chile, not only do we welcome spring during this month in the southern hemisphere, but we also celebrate the independence of Chile on... keep reading
Living with a Host Family in Santiago Chile
Living with a host family has been a really fundamental part of my experience studying abroad. And I can’t say it’s all been sunshine and roses, but it’s definitely been... keep reading
Valparaiso Reflection
Author: Emma Denny University of South Carolina During their trip to Valparaíso, another Capstone scholar student from the University of South Carolina wrote the following reflection on the architecture of... keep reading
Expectations vs reality of a CIEE student in Santiago
Author: Parker Reyes. During May, we had the pleasure of welcoming Capstone scholar students from the University of South Carolina, who came to Chile as part of their Information Literacy... keep reading
Chilean Spanish
I don’t know if you have heard this, but of all the variations of Spanish spoken around the globe, it’s said, that Chilean Spanish is the hardest one to understand... keep reading
Santiago during summertime
During summertime, Santiago becomes a peaceful metropolis. Students are on summer break and some people take their vacations during this time of the year. Long summertime days give us the... keep reading
What to expect when arriving in Santiago de Chile
Arriving in a new city is always a bit nerve recking, getting installed in a new place is hard, living with an unknown family, you do not know how public... keep reading