CIEE Buenos Aires
Popular Argentina Hand Gestures
A large part of the Argentine population are descendants of Italian immigrants, who came to this country during the late 1800s and early 1900s. You can see the Italian influences... keep reading
The Argentinean delicacy par excellence: alfajores (pastries)
One of the first experiences students immerse themselves in when they arrive in Buenos Aires is the food. Some are pleasantly surprised, others find it a little more difficult to adapt. However, one thing that no one fails to do is to try everything: sweet, savory, on foot, in a long after-dinner conversation. Food is a central part of Argentine culture. And if we talk about sweets, the famous alfajor is a must. Now, when newcomers ask us what is an alafajor? The answer is not so easy.
Building transformational leaders
By Professor Bruno Nunes During this Spring block II, in the Transformational Leadership Across Culture course we’ve explored the different political, economic and social leaders and leadership styles, skills, traits... keep reading
Warm winter in Buenos Aires: Cafeterías de especialidad
During the long, cold, gray winter months in Rochester, New York, there are countless days when the only way I can motivate myself to do homework or study is to... keep reading
Argentine sobremesa
There’s a chalkboard in my host mom’s kitchen that for the past few months has read, “La vida es más linda cuando la compartimos”. I’ve done a lot of reflecting... keep reading
Looking Back: Tips for Pre-Departure
Hello! I’m finishing up my semester in Buenos Aires as I type, and as I was looking back I thought of a few things that could’ve been helpful to know... keep reading
There is no better way to get to know a culture than through its food
While I was a foodie long before I came to Buenos Aires, something about spending so much time alone in the city really sparked a new dimension to the way... keep reading
Sobremesa: Argentinian Tradition of Sharing Long Conversations After Dinner
By: Sydney Weber, Liberal Arts Student There’s a chalkboard in my host mom’s kitchen that for the past few months has read, “La vida es más linda cuando la compartimos”... keep reading
Walking in Buenos Aires, a source of wonder and learning
By: Hernán Guastalegnanne, Program Assistant and Spanish Teacher When people asked me, what profession would I like to have if I wasn´t a Spanish teacher, I used to say Tour... keep reading