Brenda S.
Brenda Swann, is a first-time host parent with CIEE. She is a practicing ecocentric, strength coach, and Human Resources professional.
Her philosophy for life is that you have to take every opportunity to adventure around and explore! Be it a new place, a lifestyle, and even your own physical abilities... you just never know how you will grow! Her passion lies on educating and empowering those around her on how to achieve a version of themselves that they can thrive-in, sustain, and build a living legacy on.
Brenda was born and raised in Mexico City, Mexico, naturalized as an American citizen, and constantly works on finding ways to fill-in the gaps between all the misconceptions about being both an immigrant an American.
Adventure Rediscovered
When my husband and I were planning our honeymoon, we had no idea where to go. He had spent over a decade traveling the world with the Navy while I... keep reading
Too much information!
We are reaching the three month mark into our hosting adventure. The excitement and newness of it all has worn off, routine has settled in, and unexpected challenges have began... keep reading
Feels like forever!
On our student's 4th week with us, I pointed out the milestone by saying "Happy Month-a-versary!" To which she answered, "Really? it feels like its been forever!" We both smiled... keep reading
Our "Sorting Hat" Ceremony
Once we decided we would be host parents and our approvals had come through, we were so excited to look through profiles and select our student- until it actually came... keep reading
I Dream of Hosting
I have been brewing over the idea of one day hosting a student for what seemed like an eternity. YES, an eternity... In the 7th grade, back in the day... keep reading