Berenger G.
Berenger's Program
Hola tod@s! Welcome to my blog, live from Madrid, España! A bit about me: I'm from a small town in New York (far from the glamour of New York City) and moved to Montréal, Québec for university, where I studied Linguistics, French Language and Literature, and Hispanic Studies. I am a HUGE langauge nerd and will give you any language fun fact* any time of day, whether you've asked for it or not.
*Language Fun Fact No.1: in British English, 'fun facts' are called 'interesting facts' because they're "not fun for anyone but you"
Aside from my nerdiness, I'm a very active person and love running, yoga and figure skating (real Canadien, eh?). I'm never without a book in hand and enjoy giving and receiving reccomendations or just having casual discussions over coffee. I also love to cook, which means I'm super excited for Spanish cuisine and integrating new recipes into my repetoire. And yes, I am here to tell you that being a vegetarian in Spain is possible, it's just not that fun.
So...the real question: why am in Spain? I moved to Madrid for six months during my exchange program and have been keen to move back ever since. I fell in love with the culture, rhythm of Spanish language and life and am happier than ever to be back. Follow my life here as I delve further into European cafés, bookstores, tortilla de patatas, tinto de verano, travel and living the vida loca (y relojada) aquí en Madrid!
In the words of Miguel de Cervantes, Vale.
Coping with Covid
No one, not one person (I imagine) could have predicted we’d end up where we are now. Only three months from the end of our contracts here and many people... keep reading
The Best Parts of Teaching
I’ve been teaching English for a long time- not always in an organized fashion or in a classroom…but long enough to know the ups and downs of giving classes. What... keep reading
When the Going Gets Tough
Madrid, Spain: month five. A lot can happen in five months. For most of us, we moved to a foreign country in September, began work in October, coped with missing... keep reading
The Art of "Loneliness"
We’ve all done it; sat in our rooms watching Netflix by ourselves, occasionally binging on whatever food we’ve decided to treat ourselves to that night. What I’ve learned most from... keep reading
Stop to Smell the Roses
Moving to any foreign country is undoubtedly a challenge. Between adapting to a new culture, a new language and new habits it can cause a lot of stress. Moving to... keep reading
Contraception is the Question
I thought I was in the minority when it came to seeking out birth control in Spain, until I arrived and realized it was the unspoken question on everyone’s mind... keep reading
Spaniards Love to Talk
One of the biggest differences between American and Spanish culture, is that Spaniards love to talk. Of course, Americans like to talk too, there’s just a time and a place... keep reading