Alexis P.
Alexis's Programs
Alexis Peterson is a native of St. Petersburg, FL. She is currently a junior Health Science major at Spelman College in Atlanta, GA. On campus and in her surrounding community, Alexis is very involved with serviing and advocating on behalf of disadvantaged minorities. She is apart of numerous organizaitons and programs which promote health/financial literacy, search for ways to impact social determinants of health, providing mentorship for youth students, especially young girls. Alexis is passionate about teaching others and giving back. Her hobbies inclued traveling, horseback riding, and trying new things (she's an uprising foodie!) Recently, Alexis has made it her mission to follow her dreams of exploring the world. She journeyed on her first real study abroad trip in May of 2018 to Budapest, Hungary. That experieince was extremely humbling and spearheaded the excitement for a longer trip in the Fall of 2018 to multiple countries through the CIEE Open Campus Program. As a Global Scholars Grant recipient, she plans to take full advantage of all opportunities offered while abroad, with hopes to adventure in unique perspectives through volunteerism and aid. After completing her semester abroad, Alexis plans to use the lessons and expereinces she's had to sculpt her future career endeavors as a pediatric anesthesiologist and international public health advocate.
Excursions & Adventures in the Western Cape
I’ve somewhat discussed my courses and a little about organized events, but I’ve yet to cover the fun I’ve experienced in Cape Town. This six weeks has flown by! As... keep reading
Thrill to Serve
For as long as I can remember, volunteerism has been a vital part of my existence. Since a little kid, I’ve always been involved in some form of service. Before... keep reading
First Impressions of host country: South Africa, You Never Cease to Amaze Me!
Hello all! A little update, I have been in South Africa for about three weeks now. I flew in a week or so early with family to explore some of... keep reading
Time to Take Off!
Today is the day before my adventure into the vast world begins! I have exactly 11 hours before I board my plane heading to South Africa. This summer has flown... keep reading
From Which Lens Do You View The World?
Growing up, I remember always being told to try new things and remain optimistic. There was always a catch with this advice; the new things and optimism suggested should still... keep reading