Legon summer high school students

Leading Change in International Education and Exchange

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Our Committment

We at CIEE believe that well-designed and delivered people-to-people international education and exchange programs prepare people to thrive in today’s interconnected and multicultural world. In addition, they have the capacity to build bridges between different people, cultures, and nations, providing a foundation for mutual respect and collaboration that can help address complex global issues and contribute to a more peaceful world.      

Therefore, we commit to leveraging CIEE’s strengths to help the field of international education and exchange evolve to better help participants acquire the skills needed to tackle the topics that challenge us globally.


How CIEE Leads Change

  • Convening thought leaders – We use CIEE platforms to bring different voices around the same table to collectively identify new ideas, approaches, and initiatives. 
  • Coordinating innovative projects – We initiate and manage projects that address stakeholder priorities such as career readiness, and pressing global issues such as sustainability, economic mobility, and migration. 
  • Communicating success stories to spark further action – We aggregate and share feedback from institutional leaders and participants, highlight stories demonstrating the impact of international education and exchange, and do other outreach to inspire others to take action in their own communities.