Think you can’t afford to study abroad? Think again.

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Study abroad: by now you’ve heard about it. Some of your friends are doing it. Maybe you’ve even considered filling out an application. What’s stopping you? If you’re like thousands of college students across the country, you’re thinking, “Why bother applying if I can’t afford to go?” Between program fees, airfare and other travel costs, and daily living expenses, studying abroad can seem out of reach. But the experience is closer than you think.

You may already know that your college financial aid will travel with you. But did you know there are countless scholarships, grants, and discounts available to help students cover the remaining costs?

As the oldest and largest study abroad provider in the U.S., CIEE has made it our mission for the past 70 years to help every student who wants to study abroad have access to this life-changing experience. Why? Because we understand the importance of an international experience – for the students who take part, as well as for promoting public diplomacy and building bridges between people and nations. Since our first student travelers boarded C-4 Troop ships to Europe in the summer of 1947, we’ve provided global learning experiences to more than 2 million people from across the globe – including 10,000 American college students each year.

But 10,000 students aren’t enough. CIEE awards more than $5 million in scholarships and grants annually to break through the cost barrier that far too many students see as unbreakable. And to mark our 70th year of bringing people together around the world, we’re awarding even more scholarships, grants, and discounts to ensure every student who wants to study abroad, can.

Looking for a semester program you can customize?

To celebrate 70 years, CIEE is awarding $5,000 Open Campus Grants to 280 students who want to spend a full semester at one our Global Institutes in Berlin, London, Paris, and Rome this fall (that’s 70 grants per location). Take part in our most flexible and customizable program yet and immerse yourself in one of the most dynamic cities Europe has to offer.

Cost of airfare got you grounded?

70 years? How about 700? Grants that is. CIEE is awarding grants of up to $2,000 each to 700 Pell-eligible students to help cover travel costs to and from their study abroad locations.

If you’re an applicant of the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, you can also apply for a CIEE Gilman Go Global Grant, which provides $1,500 toward airfare plus $2,500 (semester) or $1,000 (summer) off program costs.

Call yourself a high achiever?

For students at the top of their academic fields, CIEE offers six different types of merit-based scholarships. These awards honor our future leaders and provide funding for specific programs and areas of study.

Proud to attend an MSI?

CIEE has partnered with the Penn Center for Minority Serving Institutions to cover 100 percent of program fees and travel costs for 10 students from minority-serving institutions (MSIs) to take part in a four-week study abroad program each year. (Not sure if you attend an MSI? Find out here.)

Summer study more your style?

If summer is your chosen season to travel, make the most of it. Enroll in more than one four-week session and you’ll receive a 20% discount off each additional session. Plus, you still have access to thousands of dollars in scholarship and grants.

No excuses: No matter the type of study abroad experience you’re interested in, we have scholarships, grants, and discounts to get you there. View our full list. And discover more ideas for funding the study abroad experience on our Resources page.

Ready to get started? Speak to a CIEE Study Abroad Advisor today.

P.S. Don’t have a passport? CIEE’s Passport Caravan is traveling to college campuses across the country to give away thousands of passports to help more students study abroad. Check with your study abroad advisor to see if the CIEE Passport Caravan is scheduled to make a stop on your campus!