CIEE Leading Change in Study Abroad - Promoting Latin America

Over the past year, many of you have encouraged CIEE to “lean into” Latin American study abroad programs in ways that will encourage more students to embrace the rich history, culture, language, and exceptional learning opportunities offered by a study abroad experience in Latin America. 

We heard you. And we’re taking action that we hope will motivate a new generation of students to embrace learning opportunities in Latin America and to encourage their peers to embrace Latin American programs, as well. 

CIEE is committed to leading change in study abroad by making 2025 the Year of Latin American Study Abroad. We're making concrete investments to overcome the three top barriers to studying abroad – cost, curriculum and culture – with the following bold initiatives in 2025: 

  • CIEE will invest $1,700,000 in student scholarships and living stipends by awarding 100 full semester scholarships (100 full semester grants plus a stipend of $2,000) for Fall ’25 and Spring ’26 semesters in Latin America; and  
  • CIEE will reduce the cost of our ground-breaking CIEE Open Campus Block programs by one-third for students choosing Latin American locations, allowing them to attend 3 blocks for the cost of 2 blocks, thereby reducing the cost of 18 weeks from $16,500 to $11,000 for Fall ’25 and Spring ’26 semesters in Latin America; and 
  • CIEE will reduce the cost of our highly rated summer internships by one-third, for students enrolling in CIEE’s 8-week Global Internships in Latin America, reducing the cost of an 8-week internship from $7,450 to $4,995 for Summer ‘25; and 
  • CIEE will invite representatives from our top partner schools to visit our five Latin American locations in 2025 to meet with staff, attend classes, and experience excursions; and 
  • CIEE will host our 78th Annual Conference on Study Abroad in Buenos Aires, on November 6-8, 2025. 

These five initiatives, together with CIEE’s recent investments in program development in Latin America, will combine in a powerful way to help overcome the three main barriers for students to study abroad in Latin America: 

  • Cost – by offering 100 scholarships and reducing the costs of our Open Campus and Summer Internship programs, CIEE will help students overcome the cost barrier to study abroad in Latin America. 
  • Curriculum – by expanding our program portfolio in Latin America of Open Campus, Direct Enroll, STEM, Language, Business and Internships to include Semester In programs and the recently announced partnership with ASU Online to offer 4,700 accredited online courses to all students, CIEE will help students overcome the curriculum barrier to study abroad in Latin America. 
  • Culture – by having the 100 student scholarship recipients share their experiences with peers, by encouraging our top partner schools to add CIEE Latin American programs to their approved lists of study abroad programs, and by bringing the world of study abroad to Buenos Aires in November 2025, CIEE will help students overcome the culture barriers to study abroad in Latin America.

CIEE’s Full Semester Scholarships for Latin American Programs in Fall 2025 and Spring 2026 

Applications are now open for the 100 full scholarships that will be awarded to students who are passionate about Latin America and wish to embrace, experience, and promote the rich language, culture, and history of Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico! 

Scholarships will cover the full cost of any CIEE semester program in Latin America during Fall 2025 and Spring 2026, plus a stipend of $2,000. Recipients will act as ambassadors for their program, sharing their experience with peers through social media and other techniques of storytelling.  

Students can apply on our website.   


CIEE’s World-class Latin America Study Abroad Portfolio 

CIEE’s Latin America portfolio offers students the most extensive, flexible, and affordable portfolio of study programs in the field, including direct enroll programs with elite universities, CIEE Semester In, CIEE Open Campus Block, and a variety of specialty programs and internships in business, climate change, environmental science, sustainability, health, Spanish language, and more. 

In addition, CIEE’s Open Campus Block network of programs offer courses on a universal six-week calendar in 20 global cities, including four in Latin America – Buenos Aires, Argentina; Santiago, Chile; Monteverde, Costa Rica; and Yucatan, Mexico – making it the ideal program for students from quarter schools or with an interest in embracing a comparative international academic program. 

Finally, with the recently announced partnership between CIEE and ASU Online, students may augment their coursework with over 4,700 accredited online courses offered by ASU Online, at no additional cost, allowing students to secure the courses they need for their academic major through in-person or online courses while attending their preferred Latin American program.  

CIEE’s 78th Annual Study Abroad Conference in Buenos Aires, November 2025  

As we prepare to convene in Rome in November for CIEE’s 77th Annual CIEE Study Abroad Conference, we are making plans for CIEE’s 78th Annual Study Abroad Conference that will take place in Buenos Aires in 2025. 

Join Us! 

In closing, I invite you to join us in this year of investment in Latin American Study Abroad by encouraging your students to apply for scholarships, take advantage of our discounted programs, and explore the many rich, flexible and affordable programs offered by CIEE in Latin America (see schedule of full portfolio, below).   

CIEE Buenos Aires

Liberal Arts 

Semester in Buenos Aires

Open Campus Block 

January in Buenos Aires 

Summer Community Public Health 

Summer Intensive Spanish Language 

Summer in Buenos Aires 

Summer Global Internship

CIEE Santiago Chile

Liberal Arts 

Semester in Santiago

Open Campus Block 

January in Santiago 

Summer in Santiago 

Summer Global Internship

CIEE Monteverde

Sustainability + the Environment 

Tropical Ecology + Conservation 

Semester in Monteverde

Open Campus Block 

January in Monteverde 

Summer Sustainability + the Environment 

Summer Tropical Ecology + Conservation

Summer in Monteverde 

Summer Global Internship 

CIEE Santiago

Liberal Arts 

Semester in Santiago, DR

January in Santiago, DR 

Summer Community Public Health 

Summer in Santiago, DR 

CIEE Yucatan

Liberal Arts 

Semester in Yucatan

Open Campus Block 

January in Yucatan 

Summer STEM + Society 

Summer in Yucatan

Summer Global Internship