CIEE Launches New Corporate Brochure

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CIEE is pleased to announce the release of our new corporate brochure that has been updated to provide insight into the breadth and impact of the work we do building bridges through people-to-people exchange. 

For more than 75 years CIEE has been connecting different people, nations, and cultures to nurture a more peaceful world. Since our founding in 1947, we’ve empowered more than 1.1 million people with the skills to thrive in our multicultural and globally interdependent world.

You can see the new brochure online and/or please reach out to your manager of institutional relations or if you would like a printable pdf.

Thank you for being part of our global network of international education professionals, volunteers, host families, globally-minded employers, international partners, government leaders, faculty, and administrators at thousands of colleges and high schools around the world. Together, we are changing the world, one life at a time.