CIEE Announces Four New Centers in Latin America And Europe

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CIEE announced today that it will broaden its Global Network to include new locations in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Santiago, Chile; and Copenhagen, Denmark. The expansion is part of CIEE’s continued effort to increase access to study abroad by offering the most flexible, affordable, and customizable programs available.

Each new center will feature the rigorous academics, highly qualified instructional and residential staff, and cultural co-curricular activities for which CIEE is known. Students can choose from three program options: Open Campus block plan, direct enrollment at our partner universities, and traditional semester-long/summer study abroad.

CIEE’s Open Campus block plan reinvents the traditional study abroad experience in response to the needs of today’s students by giving them the freedom to customize their time abroad. The program is built using a block schedule that runs concurrent at all CIEE Global Network centers. A semester consists of three six-week blocks providing students the opportunity to study in multiple countries and explore multiple cultures; earn up to 18 credits toward a wide variety of academic degrees; access over 50 academic and co-curricular activities each block; and select programs based on their schedule and budget. In all instances they’ll gain critical intercultural skills needed to succeed in today’s workplace.

“Every facet of the Global Global Network– from its ideal learning environment to its responsive and flexible academic curriculum model, to its ability to allow students to immerse themselves in one international location, or to choose multiple locations for a comparative learning experience in a single semester – is designed to overcome the most significant barriers to international education,  cost, curriculum and culture, all while preparing our students for a more global world,” said James P. Pellow, Ed.D., president and chief executive officer of CIEE.

Over the coming months, current CIEE sites in Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, and Santiago will be redeveloped to become Global Network, facilitating comparative Latin American studies across some of the world’s most dynamic cities. CIEE will also establish a presence in Denmark with a brand-new facility, further enhancing CIEE study abroad options in Europe. The four new Global Network are scheduled to open for the fall 2018 semester, and will join CIEE’s current network of Global Network in Berlin, Cape Town, London, Madrid, Paris, and Rome.

In keeping with CIEE’s commitment to make study abroad accessible for all students from all backgrounds, Global Network programs will continue to be affordably priced, with scholarships available for every term of study. CIEE awards more than $5 million in financial aid each year, with guaranteed grants for all Pell-eligible students, Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship applicants, and students attending minority serving institutions.

Applications for programs at our new Global Institutes are now being accepted.