Job Opportunities

  • snowboarding employees on day off
  • employees working at us summer camp
  • grand-canyon

Great Job with New Friends

CIEE Work & Travel USA offers more job and cultural exchange options than any other provider. Maybe you’ll work at an amusement park near New York City, or teach skiing in the Rocky Mountains. Or, you might live and work at an amazing national park in the American West. We look for employers who appreciate the importance of cultural exchange, and who take an interest in giving you a rewarding job experience.

There are lots of ways to find a job in the United States. You can get one at a CIEE-sponsored job fair. Or, you might ask your CIEE international representative to help you locate a position. Many representatives also allow you to find your ideal job on your own. As long as it’s a CIEE-approved opportunity, you can go for it!

Work & Travel USA Student Jobs:

  • Hotels and motels
  • Restaurants
  • Amusement and theme parks
  • Ski resorts
  • National parks
  • Retailers

A Job With Many Rewards, Today & Tomorrow

CIEE Work & Travel USA employers will make your visit in the United States enjoyable and productive. Many businesses – and their employees – will go out of their way to make you feel welcome. Co-workers will feel like family and make you look forward to going to work. Your CIEE Work & Travel USA experience will also help you after you return home. Your work history in the United States will make your resume stronger, showing that you’ve successfully navigated other cultures and new situations. Along with your improved English skills, this can give you a big advantage in the job market.

What People are Saying

  • "I worked in a small, family restaurant, where we did everything together. I really enjoyed that, because people were so nice. They were truly interested."

    Dimitar C., Bulgaria