Why I Came Back: Real Stories by Current Students

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High School USA

Every year, High School USA students from across the U.S. decide that one year just isn’t enough for them; they want to come back to the U.S. for another life-changing year of high school. Why, you ask? To finish their educations, earn their diplomas, and continue their progress toward career goals. That’s not all. Students also come back to experience a new state, community, or region. To attend a new school. To make new friends. And to continue the life-changing journey of studying and living in America.

Don’t take our word for it. Hear from current students who decided to come back for another year:

Pimpatha (Thailand)

Photo for blog post Why I Came Back: Real Stories by Current Students

“The best part of coming back is when I spend time with my friends. You never know if you can see them again after the program or not. I learned something from it, new perspectives, new attitude and I become a person who I truly want to be now. Best year ever.”

Read the rest of Pimpatha’s story.

Almudena (Spain)

Photo for blog post Why I Came Back: Real Stories by Current Students

“I decided to do another year as an exchange student with CIEE because my first year was amazing and I wanted to live the experience again. Last year, everything was new to me but I wanted to live it again in a different way. I wanted to see how it would be in another year, with a completely different point of view. I already knew English. I already had that first impression, so I wanted to enjoy it differently, better, in a new state, in a new family. And I’m really glad I made the decision.”

Read the rest of Almudena’s story.

Bang (Thailand)

Photo for blog post Why I Came Back: Real Stories by Current Students

“The best part of coming back has been being able to meet new people and experience a different culture within the same country. Despite sharing a similar American identity, the cultures within the U.S. are definitely not the same, and having the opportunity to experience those differences has been the best part of my experience.”

Read the rest of Bang’s story.


Interested in coming back to the U.S.? Get started.