A Short Guide to Deutsche Snacks
A Short Guide to Deutsche Snacks
There are so many beautiful things that I have encountered this far into my exchange year. Admittedly, it is true that sometimes Heimweh (homesickness) gets to me, which I think is an entirely reasonable reaction to being in a different country surrounded by a completely new language. Occasionally, my thoughts of the future overwhelm me, my worries for my life after the exchange or life even just a month from now. But one thing that has helped to keep me on my feet is to look around and appreciate the simple, new things of being able to live in Germany.
Now, it is September. The summer memories are beginning to fade as the crisp, cool air of Autumn tiptoes around the corner. I have now been in Germany for nearly two whole months. Two, exquisite months full of new experiences, friends, and most importantly; snacks.
Here is a short guide to some of the best Deutsche snacks (in my opinion):
Kinder Schokolade
Starting off with any Kinder Schokolade. I would highly recommend the Kinder “Schoko Bons”, which are small chocolate eggs filled with milk cream and hazelnuts. The combination of sweet, smooth chocolate and the nutty, mature taste of hazelnut is a perfect way to relax after school.
Haribo is a classic, and in my opinion, very subjective. If you like gummy bears (auf Deutsch, gummibär), then of course you should try Haribo. The Haribo “Erdbeeren” flavor is one of my favorites!
Aero Schokolade
A little sweet, but has a very distinct and unique texture. The Aero Bar is a chocolate bar and has the effect of little bubbles of chocolate. Sehr, sehr lecker.
My absolute favorite brand of German chips. They are little potato chips in the shape of a bear. So cute and so delicious!
Mikado will always have a special place in my heart. If I could, I would write an entire love letter to Mikado. It is very similar to “Pocky” in America. I would highly recommend the milk chocolate or dark chocolate flavors. Because it is essentially an off-brand Pocky, it is a comfort for me to know that I can find some familiar things even when I am thousands of miles away from home.
Ritter Sport
Delicious, delightful, and delectable. The “Kakao-Mousse” flavor is a personal favorite of mine. Although it is rich, just a little bit is enough to soothe your tastebuds.
This concludes my short guide to Deutsche snacks! Although it may seem rough at times, I think whenever you are down self-care is incredibly important. Personally, I have found German snacks to be a perfect way for me to destress and learn a little more about German culture. I am so excited to continue to learn more about German culture throughout the rest of my exchange, and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me!
Ciao-ciao for now!
Zoe Schauder
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