month 6
In this month’s post I’d like to talk about our relationships with our local coordinators, and who they are.
Local coordinator is a person that is there for you from the first moment you arrive to your host town. Their job is to be there for us, if we have a problem, that we can’t solve with our host family. They also do monthly checkups to make sure everything is going right for you.
I met my LC just couple days after my arrival to the US. They are also probably the person that matched you with your host family.
Of course, it differs from coordinator to coordinator, but most of them organize like “meet-ups” between the exchange students in a certain area. The LCs in my area organized a potluck, and we also went to a pumpkin patch (where we were able to get some of our community service hours, which is really important when you go with CIEE). So, not only are they like your “personal advisors” they also help you to get to know the other exchange students – with which you will probably end up having the best relationship with, because how amazing it is to have somebody that know how you’re feeling and goes through the literally same thing.