Mid-Year Seminar!

Authored By:

River H.

Hallo zusammen!

This past week was our mid-year seminar in the small town of Oberwesel, in southwestern Germany. We got to see most of the teamers from language camp again, as well as all of the other CBYXers in our organization. It was a great experience!

Getting to reflect on our time in Germany was the main goal of the seminar, and we definitely accomplished that. Everyone had a chance to share their perspectives on how their year had gone up until that point, and we discussed possible solutions for problems that people came to the seminar with. We also did some group projects to learn more about German history and culture, which was also something very interesting and insightful. 

My favorite part of the week, however, was our excursion to Koblenz, a large city near Frankfurt and Oberwesel. We started the day off with a tour of an old castle, learning about its history along the way, Afterwards, we had time to explore the city on our own, before heading back to Oberwesel in the evening. Even though Koblenz is smaller than many of the bigger cities in Germany, it was one of my favorites in terms of things to see! Directly on the Rhine, the Deutsches Eck was a beautiful collection of plaques and flags of all of the German states, along with some very cool statues of important historical figures. After a little bit of shopping, eating, and lots of picture taking, we headed back to the hostel. The pictures turned out really cool, and it turned out to be an overall great day!

All in all, the week was a huge success! I got to see all of my friends again, reflect on things I did right and wrong in the first five months, and form strategies on how to navigate the next five. The memories of hanging out with everyone again certainly don't hurt, either! Bis bald!