Final Post: My overall experience
For this final post I really don't know what specific topics to cover or even what to talk about.
If I had to describe my experience in one word it would be unique, because that is what this is about, it has been an incredible year were I have met tons of people and made friendships that will last forever. This is what has made my experience unique.
Now I also have a second family, and a place in the U.S. that I can call home. For this I am extremely grateful.
During my experience I have done a lot of fun stuff. I learned more and improved my English; made many unforgetable experiences with my family and friends, and the list goes on.
Overall I'm extremely happy to have lived an experience like this because of all the reasons listed above and many more.
This is an experience that you live once in your whole life, an experience that changes you completely. You grow up and mature in every single aspect that you can think of, that is what makes this program so awesome.