Farewell USA
Two years ago, I received devastating news: I was rejected from the Virginia House of Delegates Page Program. This is one of the programs I had applied to which I had been endlessly waiting to hear from, it seemed like my dream program - I would be serving Delegates, living alone in Richmond, and being paid for my work. That night, I channeled my disappointment into motivation. I spent hours researching other opportunities to apply to and found CBYX. Being an exchange student was a dream that I kept in the back of my mind for years, but I had always been stopped because of something: the cost, the language, or the age requirements. But CBYX was perfect in every way but one - the application was due the day after I had found it, so I gave up hope once more.
About a month later, I heard back from the second program I had applied to: The Virginia Senate Page Program. I committed to the program and served as a page in spring of 2022 and during the program I realized that the world was so much bigger than I had previously known. This made me want to explore the world and find new opportunities to see new things and meet new people.
That August, I was inspired to apply to the program I had found the year before and I have not regretted applying for a second. In only a couple of weeks, I will be in Germany, attending language camp and starting my life anew in a whole new country and I am so excited for every moment of it.
But, I have to say, the thing that kept me motivated through the months of waiting to see if I made it to the semifinals or finals was reading the CIEE blogs from current and past CBYX scholars. It helped this dream to seem more possible to me and it is so amazing that I could be that source of inspiration for a future participant who is also waiting or deciding to do the program.
There are so many people I’d like to thank for supporting me and who I’ll miss so much next year. My friends, Cora, Abby, Jenna, Melia, Reese, Serah and Claire, who have always been there for me and have been the best friends I could’ve asked for. My family, who I’m nervous about leaving but I know will continue to support me even when I am halfway around the world. Mrs. Hester, who believed in me every step of the way and encouraged me when I doubted myself. Mr. Deneen, for being the best history teacher and recommendation writer. And, last but definitely not least, thank you to CBYX and CIEE who have made this dream possible to so many people, including myself.
I’m nervous but so excited for next year, as it will bring so many new opportunities, adventures and stories. I now must hurriedly (but very happily) learn German, pack and prepare for this new phase of my life.
Thank you for reading :),
Mary P.
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