Egyptian Teen Inspires While Achieving Goals

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High School USA
Hardly a minute goes by without a smile or laugh from 18-year-old Somaia Mahmoud. Although her light-brown eyes don't work, there is an openness in her face and spirit that invites people in.
"Somaia never meets a stranger. ... I really admire that about her," said Kathy Melton, 60, who along with her husband, Claude, served as a host family for the Egyptian exchange student. "She came into that school smiling and saying hello to everyone. She had a couple of issues in one class, but otherwise, the kids at her school they have come up to me at church (and said,) 'She will never know what an inspiration she was for us.' They loved her there."
Blind since the age of 10 and visually impaired since birth, Somaia embraces life and learning fully.