Santiago, Chile cityscape hazy sunset

Teach English in Chile

CIEE TEFL Job Placement Opportunity

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As a Current Participant or Alumni of CIEE TEFL, You Have the Opportunity to Receive Job Search Assistance to Teach in Chile.

Chilean flag above government building

Build the conversational English skills of Chilean students by planning dynamic, interactive, and personalized classes to facilitate language learning for adult students. Live and experience the Chilean culture with a flexible work schedule offering you time to travel and improve your Spanish.   


  • Teach English to adult learners
  • Earn a minimum monthly salary of 600,000 Chilean Pesos
  • Orientation prior to teaching commitment
  • Cultural and professional development activities
LocationStart DateEnd DateCompensationDeadline
SantiagoYear-round10-12 month contracts offeredFull time monthly salary between 600.000-900.000 CLPRolling deadline

CIEE TEFL placement assistance in Chile is only available to CIEE TEFL current students and alumni of the 150-Hour or 180-Hour TEFL Certificate courses. Placement assistance does not include predeparture or in country support from CIEE TEFL.

Enroll today in the 150-Hour or 180-Hour TEFL Certificate course to become eligible for CIEE TEFL job placement assistance.

Once you're enrolled, you can apply for this job opportunity from within your TEFL application!


What's Included
Group hike in the mountains of Valparaiso, Chile

What's Included

  • English teaching position with a private English institution
  • Chilean national holidays and most weekends off
  • Monthly salary to cover living expenses
  • Spanish classes and other professional development opportunities


There are a few simple requirements. These, plus a sense of adventure and a desire to cross cultural boundaries and engage with people eager to learn English will make you a great candidate.


  • A bachelor’s or associate degree in any field.
  • Native English speaker*
  • Citizenship in the United States, the United Kingdom, or South Africa*
  • Currently enrolled in or completed a 150-Hour or 180-Hour CIEE TEFL Certificate course
  • Teaching experience and spoken/written Spanish skills (preferred, but not required)

* If you do not meet these qualifications but are still interested in the teaching opportunity in Chile, please reach out to CIEE TEFL staff at for more information.

The Take-Aways


Monthly salary between 600.000 - 900.000 CLP.


Job placement in Santiago for 10-12 months. Skip the job hunt and enjoy peace of mind with job placement assistance in stunning Santiago.

Easy Application

CIEE TEFL sends your application straight to our partner. No additional application paperwork or fees required.

The Destination
  • Colorful buildings by the ocean in Valparaiso, Chile
  • The beach in Santiago, Chile

The Destination

Chile is an exciting destination for those who love the outdoors. You can ski in the Andes east of Santiago or eat seafood in a beachfront café in Viña del Mar before dipping your toes in warm, white sand. Those with a sense of adventure can use their time off to travel, exploring places like the starkly beautiful Atacama Desert, the mysterious stone idols of Easter Island, or the glaciers far to the south.

Job Description

Job Description

CIEE TEFL partners with well-respected organizations in Chile that run innovative English programs. The positions that are available involve work with adult students with diverse English goals and levels.


CIEE TEFL teachers in Chile earn a monthly salary between 600.000 - 900.000 CLP The cost of living in Chile is lower than in the United States and Europe and your salary should easily cover normal living expenses with a bit leftover to travel and explore. If you’re hoping to travel extensively during your time off, you should plan to bring additional funds. CIEE TEFL teachers will be able to observe Chilean national holidays.

More Information

Chilean students working in Santiago classroom


Teachers will give a mixture of in-person classes in different areas of Santiago and online classes from the comfort of their home. Classes are one-on-one or small group and the students will have English levels from A1-C1.

Teacher and student working on assignment together


Teachers work a full-time schedule of 40 hours per week. This includes between 18-27 teaching hours per week and the remaining time is dedicated to lesson planning, traveling, preparing teaching materials, etc.

If You Meet the Requirements Above You Can Enroll

Get Started Today!

CIEE TEFL Placement Assistance in Chile does not include pre-departure or in-country support from CIEE TEFL.

If you are interested in teaching abroad with support from CIEE check out our Teach Abroad programs.