Stories About the TEFL Experience
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The Funeral
I did it, I made it to the eve of my first weekend as an official teacher here in Thailand. Sitting in the English teachers’ office packing up for the... keep reading
It's Really Happening
10/23/18 @ 2:37 PM I'm in the back of a school van headed East to my new city, Chachoengsao, Thailand. My stomach's in knots and I feel like I'm going... keep reading
5 Reasons to Get TEFL Certified - Insight from a former corporate recruiter.
After 5 years working in corporate I could no longer ignore my love for travel and adventure. I discovered CIEE’s Teach In Thailand program through a former colleague and knew... keep reading
Discipline and Sacrifice: How I Balance the "Real World" and TEFL Certification
I lead a very busy lifestyle here in sunny San Diego. From grabbing fish tacos with friends, to attempting to surf on the weekends, volunteering, and not to mention a... keep reading
A Day in the Life: Teaching English in Thailand
Adapted from her blog, here is Amanda H's story: Time for Something Different. I wanted something really different, and different I got. That was the whole reason why I was... keep reading
Destination TEFL Thailand - What life is really like
This week we spoke with Matt B., a Destination TEFL Thailand alumni turned full time teacher! Matt is currently teaching in Thailand at a school in Khon Kaen. Read more... keep reading
Greetings from Sanpatong!
Wow, two months certainly flies by FAST. Turns out I still have a blog, fancy that! I suppose it’s time to dust off the cobwebs here and give a little... keep reading
I arrived in B angkok two days ago. What a crazy city. So different from what I’m used to that is for sure! I’m loving being able to explore the... keep reading
Heading to Thailand!
Ah, my first post of many. I leave for Thailand on Tuesday. Today is Wednesday. So, if you ask me how I'm feeling about leaving the list of emotions is... keep reading
21 Inspirational Quotes to get you Through Every Tough Stage of Teaching Abroad
Teaching abroad is a magnificent adventure. But don't be fooled by the glamorous photos... it’s no vacation. But that's all to be expected. After all, if you wanted a relaxing... keep reading
Teaching English in Thailand: Expectations vs. Realities
Everyone can paint a picture of what their life will be like in the future—whether that's a new job, new school, new city...Or maybe painting all of those things because... keep reading
What causes culture shock in Thailand?
Amy Sininger, CIEE Teach and TEFL alumni, reflects on the good and the bad of teaching English in Thailand, and reflects on how the small things attribute to culture shock... keep reading