5 Ways To Use Your TEFL Certification At Home
We know what you’re thinking: “If I invest time and money in getting TEFL certified, that means I have to go abroad to make it worth it.” While a TEFL certification can unlock endless ways to travel, we understand that not everyone is ready to pack up and ship out right after completion.
If your readiness (or lack thereof) deters you from getting TEFL certified, we have one piece of advice: don’t let it. Of course, you should get as much out of your certification as possible, but that doesn't mean you have to move abroad immediately.
There are as many opportunities to use your TEFL certification at home as there are countries in this world! In fact, people who are qualified to teach English as a foreign language are needed on domestic soil now more than ever. Across the country, TEFL teachers bridge cultural divides between Americans and immigrants and help foster more tolerant and harmonious intercultural relationships. In light of today’s political climate, it is up to the public sphere to achieve these goals.
This guide shares how you can use a TEFL certificate to contribute within your community at home and nab a fantastic job without going overseas.
Read more: Ways to Use Your TEFL Certification (That isn’t Teaching Abroad)
Valuable Professional Skills you Gain from a TEFL Certificate
But first, let’s quickly chat about the benefits of getting TEFL certified. If you’re not ready to live in a foreign country, haven’t saved enough money, or don’t want to uproot your life in the U.S., rest assured that there is ample opportunity to use your TEFL certification right here at home. You can make a full-time career out of teaching English in the U.S. or use it to earn some money on the side.
That's because, with a TEFL certificate on your resume, you signal to employers that you're professionally capable of being an English teacher and beyond.
A TEFL certificate equips you with:
- The best teaching methodologies and philosophies
- A thorough understanding of the English language
- Effective communication skills
- Confidence and leadership qualities
- And cultural awareness and sensitivity
Read more: 10 Life-Changing Benefits of a TEFL Certification
5 Ways To Use Your TEFL Certification At Home
Here are five ways to use your TEFL certification on your home turf.

1. Assist English programs at a university
There are thousands of non-English speaking students on campuses across the country looking to improve their language skills. You can use your TEFL certification as a student volunteer or a paid teaching assistant, which could help you pay your way through school!

2. Teach at an English literacy program, school, or summer camp
You know what they say: just because you speak English doesn’t mean you know how to teach it. All of these types of programs constantly seek paid workers and volunteers to help foreigners improve their English. Your TEFL skills are invaluable in these specialized classrooms
Read more: 7 Best Summer TEFL Jobs for a Short-Term Teach Abroad Adventure

3. Teach English online or tutor privately
Teaching English online is more popular now than ever. Teaching through an online platform can help you to experience a country from the comfort of your own home. You’ll still get to connect with locals and learn what life is like through their eyes, all while helping them in a big way (and making some cash!).
Read more: How to Teach English Online & Earn Money From Home or Abroad

4. Utilize your cultural competence in any profession
It is no secret that international experience gives you an edge when job hunting. Employers and hiring managers respect and seek out people who are interculturally competent in order to promote innovation and better interpersonal relations in the workplace. In an ever-globalizing world, being able to work with people from all walks of life is a must!
Your contributions in your home country are just as valuable as the ones you make abroad. We need you now more than ever, TEFL teachers! Help your country to create a more tolerant, accepting, and culturally competent world.
Read more: Is a TEFL Certificate Worth It? How TEFL Can Advance Your Career at Home and Abroad

5. Host international exchange students or work for an inbound exchange program
Living with a TEFL-certified host is a HUGE bonus in any exchange experience. While most host families help with English, they don’t necessarily know how to teach it. Plus, if you’re not ready to move abroad, hosting foreigners or working for an inbound exchange program brings the country to you! This can also be a great source of supplemental income.
Learn More About CIEE TEFL’s 150-Hour TEFL Certification
CIEE TEFL is an internationally trusted brand recognized for being one of the best TEFL providers in the industry. CIEE has a proven track record of helping graduates secure teaching abroad, adding valuable professional and life experience to any resume.
CIEE TEFL's 150-hour TEFL certification makes it easy to complete your TEFL training online in just three months. This comprehensive course includes:
- 130 hours of ACCET-accredited coursework
- A 20-hour TEFL practicum
- Instruction by highly qualified TEFL tutors
- Lifetime job placement assistance
- A qualification that never expires
- Discounts on CIEE TEFL tuition for those eligible