Visa for Newbees
In my small town, visa isn’t a term heard frequently, However, getting your visa is a very important process in getting to live abroad. The steps to obtaining a visa are quite simple yet a bit confusing at times. No need to panic, I will be your visa guide toward success. Make sure to create a state Whatsapp group chat with fellow participants because it helps to have other people going through the same thing together.
1. For the state of Texas, initially each person was asked to obtain a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background check. It must have the official seal from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. To begin with I went to a local Identogo to get a background check done and fingerprints. Fifty dollars and a few weeks later, I never saw the document. Unfortunately when I went back to Identogo for help. I was out of luck because my dog ruined my receipt. Within my local area, I was able to find a local notary, who took my digital fingerprints and took my information. Less than five minutes the glorious form was in my email and printed.
2. Once the FBI background check is printed. Make sure to have your apostille of the hauge and criminal background check attached with a gold circle seal. Do not tear these two forms apart, if broken it makes the forms invalid of proof.
Now follow your nearby consulate’s instructions toward a visa:
1.National Visa Application filled out by hand and use the step by step guide provided by CIEE.
2. Money Order for the desired amount.
3. Your physical passport and a printed copy of your passport page
4. Photocopies of your Driver’s License
5. Multiple passport photos (2x2 dimensions)
6.Medical Certificate (provided by CIEE)
7. Digital Acceptance Letter from Madrid
8. Hard copy of health insurance such as ASISA.
9.Postal Delivery Envelope (Going to Consulate office)
10. A second Envelope with your return address from Consulate Office)
Don’t forget to send the second envelope with your home address. CIEE provides a step by step guide and constant updates from your current consulate with any changes. The biggest tip is patience in mind after sending off your visa!
Good Luck
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