Trial by Packing
As I am a week away from the next step in life, I figured that now was as good a time as ever to not procrastinate when it comes to something important. I'm sure this (hopefully) new found habit of mine will help me throughout my life. That being said - I decided to pack tonight for my life-changing trip.
After much research and talking to native Spaniards or friends that have lived in Spain, I have decided to only bring one suitcase. You read right, I'm only bringing one suitcase on this life-altering trip of mine. Well, one 50lb suitcase, a carryon, and a book-bag. I know what you're thinking: "Why are you doing this to yourself, Christianne? You're the girl who would bring three bags to a sleepover just incase something happened and you would be the only prepared one!" Well, maybe you aren't thinking exactly that, but probably something close. All of the other people embarking on this journey - well, the girls I've talked to at least - are all packing two suitecases and are complaining that they don't know how they are going to pack all of their clothes. How did I figure out that I didn't need to bring everything I own plus the kitchen sink I'm used to? Well, for the past few months I have paid attention to what I wear. Normally in the summer that would mean shorts and a baggy t-shirt, but this summer I worked in a fancy office where I had to look like a real adult. One of my favorite professors from college is from Europe and she told me that they tend to dress up - even when they go to the grocery store. (Honestly, this was a little devastating for me, the girl who wore leggings, a sweatshirt, and socks with sandals to class everyday (no judging)). I took this life advice of hers and starting being conscious about my wardrobe. I wish this was all my idea but when I was complaining about space in my suitecase my mom looked at me confused and said "you only wear like five outfits". I was slightly offended because - well, it's true. Anyway, I realized that I could just repeat outfits like I do here anyway. Also, my voice teacher from college (who used to travlel the world in her operatic hayday) told me to pack ten interchangeable outfits and I should be good, and guess what? I am.
I do have a confession though... I have a leg up on everyone else packing because I am in contact with an aux from my shcool. She worked there last year and is coming back for year two. We've been messaging on WhatsApp and I think we are going to be really good friends. Anyway - she told me that where my school is (Cercedilla, Madrid), it gets super cold so I should pack lots of warm clothes. She said that by the time I get there it will already be pretty cold AND that she coulndn't find super thick clothes in Madrid, so I should just bring those and buy summer ones there.
My biggest advice is this - try to do research on what to wear in your region and where you decide to live. For shoes I decided to pack hiking boots that are water proof (my shcool is in the mountains and I love hiking), a pair of tennis shoes (for walking/riding a bike to school), a pair of yellow loafers (for when I get 'dressy'), my handy-dandy converse (I've had them for years and they are well broken in), and a pair of Birkenstock sandals (for leisure). Now, I did hear that most Spainards don't show their toes buttttt I might just embrace my Americaness because I love those shoes.
Everyone I've talked to said that they didn't even use half of the stuff they packed and they brought two suitecases. If I need something I'll buy it there :)
Bottom line is - If I can pack in one suitcase, you can too.
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