Teach Abroad Portugal: Your Gateway to Europe's Hidden Gem

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CIEE Teach Abroad

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A coastal dream, filled with colorful houses, winding cobblestone streets, and fantastic food. No, I'm not talking about Barcelona or Nice— though they fit the bill— I'm talking about Lisbon. The Portuguese capital is perhaps Western Europe’s most underrated city. It doesn’t get the same clout as Rome, Paris, or London, yet Lisbon is equally as beautiful and historic. Not to mention, it's quite affordable. 

It’s for these reasons that CIEE has begun our Teach Abroad program in Lisbon. This program is perfect for anyone looking to immerse themselves in local culture, experience European beauty, and travel on a budget. The program is also only three months, so you don't have to commit too much time to it. Need more convincing? Here are 10 reasons why you should teach abroad in Europe’s hidden gem.