Living Abroad: Avoiding the Midway Burnout

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CIEE Teach Abroad
Teach Abroad Rabat
CIEE Teach Abroad Morocco

Living abroad is like being in a long-term relationship— everything seems wonderful to start, you have endless energy, and you only want to spend time with them. Everything about your life is like an over-exposed, saturated Instagram filter. Yet, as time passes, you grow impatient, tired of the same, and increasingly more frustrated by little inconveniences.

Contrary to what your Facebook may show to the public, living abroad long-term isn't all parties and scenic lookouts. It's really challenging, especially if you are working. Yet, unlike your last relationship, your time teaching abroad doesn’t have to end in heartache. In a series of three articles, we’ll teach you how to stay afloat during your time abroad. Our first post in this series we’ll show you how to avoid getting tired of living abroad, or what we call "the midway burnout."